Experience the seamless prospect and customer management journey with Tax Pro 360's innovative contacts handling. Effortlessly categorize, organize, and filter contacts to perfection, creating customized lists that suit your needs. Stay in control and keep your team on track, all within the Tax Pro 360 ecosystem.

Filter Contacts

Streamline your contact management by effortlessly categorizing them into intelligent lists. Your team can swiftly access these lists, tag contacts, and efficiently send out mass emails, texts, or integrate them into the dialer system – all within Tax Pro 360's user-friendly interface.

A computer with contact pannel and settings graphic at the top left and phone and messages at the bottom right | Taxpro-360
A computer with smart contact functionalities and a refresh settings at the top left and new tag graphics at the right bottom | Taxpro-360

Tag Functionality

Organize your contacts effortlessly by attaching custom labels manually or via automated processes. This simple yet effective feature ensures both you and your team stay perfectly organized within the Tax Pro 360 environment.

Bulk Actions

Transform contact lists into powerful automated campaigns, marketing sequences, or engaging "drip" campaigns with just a few clicks. Tax Pro 360 empowers you to effortlessly transition your contacts into effective and targeted outreach strategies.

A computer with smart contact funtionalities and

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